Welcome to the Parent’s Corner! The staff at Springbank Cottage Childcare are exciting to provide you with a number of different resources for our parents.
Check back often as we will be updating often with useful health information as well as answers to common questions we hear around the centre. Please send feedback on this new section through our Contact Us page.
Ear infections
From Keep Kids Healthy Ear infections are one of the most common issues that our children can deal with and it’s stressful for the parents too! If you would like more information about ear infections
Emergency Contact
From Alberta Health Services Urgent Care Services are for people who have unexpected but non-life-threatening health concerns that usually require same-day treatment. Some examples would include broken bones, sprains, lacerations, asthma, dehydration, pain and infections.
Alberta Parent Link Centre
The Parent Link Centre contains a large amount of resources for parents. Some notable pages to look out for includes: Ages and stages (ages 3-5+): Link 1 and Link 2 Behavior and Dicipline tips Help
Winter Activities for Healthy Kids
We understand that as the tempature drops outside, it is more difficult for children and their parent’s to get the appropriate amount of excersise. If you are struggling with ideas, you could consider some of
Child Care Subsidy Information
For low income families, they may be able to apply for a child care subsidy. If you would like to learn more about the options available, you can visit http://www.child.alberta.ca/home/1153.cfm
Tips about the Cold and Flu
There can be a lot of confusion about the common cold and flu. How do you know the difference? Did you know that a cold almost never includes a fever? You can learn more about
Positive Discipline
I hope everyone enjoyed the lecture last Thursday night. We got a lot of requests from parent’s looking for more information. There is a lot of good information over at kidshealth.org that may be of
Childrens Health Services
http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/facilities.asp?pid=saf&rid=1051888 The govermnent of Alberta provides a variety of health services for parents with children. Services offered may include: - Comprehensive and coordinated assessment, planning, intervention and evaluation; - Referral and consultation; - Client/family teaching;
Byte – Parent’s Guide to Dental Health from Pregnancy to Adulthood
Information from the Byte Website about Dental Health.
Nvision Eye Health